Can I switch to the 65k monthly transfer rule for my Thai Non-O retirement visa, or do I have to maintain the 800k rule until my next extension?

December 17, 2022
2 years ago
James ***************
I have been on non o retirement extension for 11 years with no problems.

I have used the 800k/400k rule for every extension to date.

My visa is due for extension again in April 2023.

I still have sufficient bank funds to cover requirements for visa extension


I would like to switch to the minimum 65k monthly transfer/deposit rule. I have been transferring 65k plus every month since January this year (2022).

My question is: do i still need to abide by the 800/400 rule until April 2023 when my new extension is required or do i just need to show proof of the 12 months plus minimum 65k monthly transfer/deposits to qualify for my next 12 month extension ?

Or do the two need to run in tandum up until my next extension renewal ?

Would be great to hear from members who have already went through this process or anyone who is aware of the process.

Thank You

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TLDR : Answer Summary
The user has held a Non-O retirement extension for 11 years and wishes to switch from the 800k/400k financial requirement to the 65k monthly transfer option for their upcoming extension in April 2023. The community advises that while transitioning, they must continue to meet the current financial threshold of 800k until the new extension is approved. Comments suggest maintaining the higher balance leading up to the extension and checking with local immigration for specifics on switching to the monthly income method.
  • Go to the Retirement Visa Section for information on requirements, including age restrictions, financial requirements, and necessary documentation.
  • For immediate assistance, contact Thai Visa Centre directly via LINE at @ThaiVisaCentre or Email them.
  • Explore recent discussions by using the Non-O Retirement Visa tag in the search box at the top of the page.
  • Join the Thai Visa Advice Facebook Group to ask your questions, and get advice from others.
เจสัน ******
The most recent Retirement Financial Criteria is contained within RTP (Immigration) Order # 35 / 2561 (2019).

Your local IO should be able to advise you how to switch from deposit to monthly income?

But as previously stated as long as you keep to your current conditions until Apr 2023 and can evidence the required monthly income there should be no issues?
James ***************
@Jay ********
- yes thanks. That is what i intend to do.
Michael ********
@Jay ********
Is there a download page or web page of the Order # 35 / 2561 (2019) that you mention.
เจสัน ******
@Michael *******
You should be able to find it through Thai Visa.

Or Google "Retirement Criteria Royal Thai Police Order 35 / 2561" There are several references to this order and some images as well.
Michael ********
Do whatever extortion method costs you the most money and meets all the ridiculous and unreliable rules of Thai Immigration. You'll be fine.
Rob **********
@Michael *******
unfortunately rules are rules, whatever you personally think about them, they will not change them. Only 3 options, follow the rules, use agents to get around them, or leave the country.
Michael ********
@Rob *********
Glad to be able to share my discontent here and not have my post deleted. Also to open the eyes of others to the little discussed details of options, as you mention. As to the rules changing, well, over 10 years of my observations they do change. Unfortunately rarely in favor of the hapless immigrant.
Chris *******
Yes you need to complete the year with 800k and have the deposits to switch methods.
James ***************
@Chris ******
- so in theory anyone that is using the 65k rule must have been on the
k rule before they switched ?
Chris *******
@James **************
yes that is correct unless their country issues the embassy letter.

Very few do.
James ***************
@Chris ******
interesting - thank you.
Brandon ************
You still cannot let it go below the 400 until you have the new stamp in your passport (because you agreed to this is a condition of your extension). And if you want to be safe you should go back up to 800 a few months before just in the event something goes wrong.
James ***************
@Brandon ***********
- thanks and yes that was my thoughts. Because my current extension was granted on the
/800 rule for the 12 months of its validity. Thank you for confirming.
Graham ******
You're looking good to switch then 👍
Graham ******
@James **************
Do your monthly transfers definitely show as international transfers?
James ***************
James ***************
@Graham *****
- yes on my bangkok bank account they show as international transfer but i will still provide documents showing the money coming out of my UK HSBC account to WISE and then to Bangkok Bank
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