investment funds

Showing 2 questions

This page displays all the results for the Investment funds tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 2 questions that have been tagged with Investment funds. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Dec 13, 2024
a month ago
Joel *******
My main bank account has had less than 500,000 in it as all my money is tied up in investments and such.

I've just dumped 500,000 baht into my bank account and have a statement showing the account has more than 500,000 baht inside, however, will this be a red flag due to not having 500,000baht worth of my hoem currency in my account for over 6 months?
Sep 26, 2024
4 months ago
Pham *****
DTV Visa Approved in Taipei with Investment Account Statements


My friend has been doing unpaid volunteer work for an NGO in Southeast Asia and applied for a DTV Visa using investment account funds.

Embassy Choice:

After researching several options, we chose the Taipei embassy (out of Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh) for its more flexible approach, and it turned out to be the right choice. The embassy was very responsive and helpful.


- Several emails correspondence with them about the required documents for my friend’s case. We even printed them out for backup

- Arrived before 9 AM, no appointment needed.

- The officer questioned the NGO work and whether funds were in cash or stock, consulting her supervisor to see if my friend could apply. No money accepted.

- Returned at 4 PM to find the application accepted, and my friend received the visa the next afternoon.

I’m not going into details of the documents as you can find them online in their websites but just a few key points to my friends case:

1. Proof of funds:

- Money 13,000 GBP withdrawn from investment into investible cash 1 week before applying

- Provided screenshot of current investment account statement to show the money is in investable cash and can be liquided. Showing the same owner and transaction

- Bank statement in the last 3 months

- Statement of assest from the investment advisor to verify the ownership of the fund

2. Lots of proof (resume, profile, contracts) to validate the remote work, even its unpaid

3. A personal statement clarified how my friend met the DTV requirements without strictly fitting the standard rules.

I hope this is helpful.
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