This page displays all the results for the Fine for Non Compliance tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 2 questions that have been tagged with Fine for Non Compliance. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
I went to CW today for a visa extension based on COVID-travel restriction and got the 60 days straight without having to go back after 2 weeks. I was on Non-B prior to covid-related reason extension so I've been doing my 90 days notification at MTT on separate dates (online is not working for me after my Non-B was cancelled). I observed that IOs there were already asking for the TM47 (90 days notification) receipt and collecting 2000 baht fine for those who have none. I've witnessed 5 people under different IO experiencing this while I was waiting for my officer to finish checking the usual documents I gave him (took him 10-15 minutes to finish, which I think was oddly killing time). So just want to let others know what could be expected if you do your extension in CW.