company documentation

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Jan 21, 2025
2 days ago
(Anonymous for privacy reasons)


I applied for the DTV via the Royal Thai Embassy London. I'm a British citizen, and followed the requirements to the letter (providing for example, my most recent personal bank statement showing the circa £10,000 per month payment from the company I own, with a bank balance that remained comfortably over the published 500k THB thresholds for the entire month, and a fresh (1st December - 1st April) 4 month contract for my US company to provide consulting services to a named end client company, for £40,000).

To my dismay, they have wrote back to me to request "additional documents as follows:


• Other request documents: - Please load a copy of your Company House stating your name and position. (please explain if you can not provide this)

• Other request documents: - A recently letter confirming employment/contract details from an employer / contractor / client or company HR stating your position and work role as remotely worker in Thailand (address to Royal Thai Embassy in London) signed by an authorised person.

• Other request documents: - Please upload your E-Ticket of your Flight booking showing your name as passenger , departure date, all flights en route from UK/Ireland/UK territories to Thailand"

The first item sounds reasonable, but I've already told them I own a US LLC, not a UK Ltd (via the application process), so there is no 'Company House stating my name and position'. I can (and will, unless you all suggest I take different approach) provide them with the incorporation documents for my US LLC alongside explaining that this is how things work for businesses incorporated in the US, but this doesn't appear to meet the letter of what they are asking for.

The 'recent[sic] letter confirming employment/contract details...' is the one that's most concerning to me, because I've already provided them what I have, which is a valid B2B contract. I'm not a sole trader and my business to business consulting services are just that - while I do provide much of the relevant service personally, the contract(s) I sign aren't 'personal service', they are for my US company to deliver an ongoing consulting service via whatever means and people I see as necessary and so as the company owner, I don't understand how I'm supposed to respond to this request. My end client is a large entity and I'm not on their payroll so their HR isn't an option. I know this is probably just a misunderstanding, but I can't see a way forward that doesn't involve me effectively writing a letter giving myself authorisation to work from Thailand as the owner of my own company, which seems illogical.

Their last request... is unhelpful for a digital nomad (especially as they haven't even granted the visa yet), but I can work around it.

Thanks all, I do appreciate your help.

Kind regards,

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