thai account

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Nov 8, 2024
2 months ago
Paul *******
I wanted to share my experience in getting my DTV (workcation category) in Taipei, Taiwan (ROC).

I treated this visa application like a job application - I actually enjoyed the process of preparing the documents!

I supplied:

Work contract and employment certificate from one company

Contract (signed and stamped by company director) from a second company in the same line of business as the first company

Company registrations from both companies (both translated into English and notarized)

All invoices/salary payments since the start of 2024

Some invoices/salary payments dating back to early 2020 (returned to me, since they were considered "too old")

Accompanying Australian bank statements showing where the funds were paid

An Australian savings account (different bank) showing savings equivalent to several hundred thousand Baht (though less than 500K)

Thai bank statement (6 months) showing savings well above 500K Baht

Myanmar bank account showing salary payment from second company (returned to me)

Most recent salary slip from second company (returned to me)

Samples of work performed for first company / website etc.

I was told since I meet the requirements just from company A, there's no need to supply additional documents from other sources, hence why a lot of documents were returned to me.

I was asked to come in again on the second day and prove how the funds in my Thai account arrived there as they were a bit confused. I wrote in pencil, explaining nearly every transaction and also printed out a 12-month WISE statement proving that most of these funds were in fact transferred in from abroad. This may not have been necessary if Thai banks could provide detailed account statements, like banks in Australia, the USA, Europe and other countries do (all of which I hold bank accounts in).

I also explained that some of these funds were old, as in going back to 2020, 2021 etc. and that I don't normally store lots of money in my Thai account as the interest rate isn't good etc. and consequently only transferred the funds to that account for the purposes of applying for this visa (which they understood very well).

I also explained how due to tax reasons, I decided to transfer funds to my wife's account first, after reaching the top of the tax-free threshold for transfers to my account. She would then transfer these funds to my account afterwards.

I finally received my visa on the 3rd business day in the afternoon after applying. If you need to come in to show additional documents, that resets the processing time. They don't account for the fact that they've already sighted most of your documents, it's basically like starting from scratch.

The Taiwanese staff and I communicated almost entirely in Chinese. They were very friendly and even joked that I would need to pay 1000 TWD more for arriving "late" as they put it, to find out my result on day 2 (I passed) where I paid the fee. LOL.
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