uk marriage registration

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Feb 3, 2023
2 years ago
Dave ***********

This is the reply I received from the Thai Embassy, London. Thought this might be helpful if theres anyone like ourselves who wish to register their UK marriage in Thailand.

They assumed we were changing surnames which we are not. I have uploaded the docs to files section

According to changing surname, it must be submitted the document and done at local district office in Thailand.

Firstly, husband have to bring a copy of his UK passport and the agreement to use surname form to sign it in front of UK solicitor. After that you need to send those two document and UK marriage certificate to be certified by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

Once you receive it back from FCDO, UK marriage certificate and a copy of husband's UK passport have to be translated in Thai.

Our requirement:

1. Legalisation form, see attached file.

2. UK Marriage Certificate and a copy of husband's passport which are certified by Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)

3. Agreement to use surname form which is certified by FCDO

4. Translation documents in Thai

5. A copy of wife's Thai passport

6. Fee 10 GBP per document (can be paid by debit card/contactless or cash)

For translator, you can contact

If your just registering your marriage, not changing surnames the process is much easier.

In order to register your marriage certificate in Thailand, your UK marriage certificate has to certified by FCDO and legalised by Royal Thai Embassy in London.

However, you need to translate your marriage certificate into Thai as well before submitting at local district office in Thailand.

"It has to have the Thai Embassy stamp or the Local district office will not register the marriage."

Yours sincerely,

Consular officer

Royal Thai Embassy

29-30 Queen's Gate



Tel 0207 225 5500 ext 5504
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