boi endorsement

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This page displays all the results for the BOI endorsement tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 1 questions that have been tagged with BOI endorsement. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Dec 7, 2024
a month ago
Joseph *******
I just want to clarify the insurance requirement for the LTR visa.

The Thai Consulate website states "... or social security benefits insuring treatment in Thailand."

After going back & forth with the LTR Visa Unit in Thailand for the past several days on exactly what this statement means, it seems that by "social security" they are referring to healthcare coverage an applicant is entitled to from their home-country government. This makes sense, since it is meant as an alternative to health insurance. In the U.S., social security means something different; it is not healthcare & therefore does not satisfy the requirement.

Fortunately for American military retirees, in an email I received this morning, 12-06-2024/2566, from the LTR Visa Unit, "Tricare or US military healthcare [i.e., FMP if one collects VA disability] meets the requirements for the LTR visa, so you do not have to apply for separate health insurance." For those 65 or older, you must opt in for Medicare Part B to retain Tricare coverage, which is then called Tricare for Life.

On a separate issue, once the BOI endorses your application, you are not required to annually or otherwise update Thai Immigration regarding your eligibility, meaning your visa is essentially maintenance free at least until the five-year renewal point. Plus, they said address reporting is only required annually, vice quarterly, & then only if you haven't left the country.

One other note: for Americans, they mostly rely on annual IRS 1040s for proof of income (total reported divided by number of names included on 1040), though this is not a hard-&-fast rule. Letters from appropriate authorities can be submitted as proof, as well as your written explanation for why you don't file taxes or why there might be a discrepancy or two between your stated income & what the 1040 shows. As an example, VA disability is not reported on 1040s.
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