boi guidelines

Showing 2 questions

This page displays all the results for the BOI guidelines tag, sorted by the most recent activity. There are a total of 2 questions that have been tagged with BOI guidelines. Explore the questions to find discussions and information relevant to this topic.
Jan 16, 2025
2 days ago
Graeme ******
I am looking into the LTR wealthy pensioner visa but can't find how they determine the $80k passive income. Is this income pre or post tax? If you have income which is tax free say from ISA's do you ( if the passive income is pre tax) add on the tax that would have been paid when demonstrating the $80 k income? I am unsure how you treat a pension income which is pre tax and other income which either post or no tax?
Aug 12, 2023
a year ago
Deborah *******
Hello, am considering a LTR Pensioner Visa. The rules on the BOI website state personal income is “unearned income, such as a pension, rental, capital gain etc” For me the important statement on the website is : Earned income such as salary will not be considered as eligible income for LTR Pensioners application.

As a newly retired person, salary has only just ceased. My Unearned Income will shortly commence, satisfying the BOI requirements. It seems the BOI need at least a 2 year history.

What I’m unclear about is my history of salary does not count so I can’t cite that, but sufficient unearned income will kick in in a couple of weeks time.

Should I wait two years, then apply ( assuming that visa is still available then) or apply now with the proof of my new form of income? Everything else is ok, it’s just that Unearned vs Salary mystery. I can’t be the first person to be a newly retired person with a new income stream! I’m attracted to the LTR as it seems simple, multi entry, could potentially work, not so much reporting.

Thanks for your advice.
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